Hershey's Page

   Welcome to the Hershey page! Here you can look at photos and videos of my fluffy and know it all cat Hershey! Hope you enjoy this fluffy fun and stick for more kitty chaos coming soon!

Too close!

   When my first cats, Riper and Oscar passed away, I wanted a new cat not to replace them, but a new cat to fill in their spot while they were away. I asked my parents for a cat and they said it would take lots of responsibility.
   Every week at my elementary school, my class would take a trip to the school library to check out books. Every week, I'd check out informational books about cats to gain enough knowledge to adopt a kitten of my own.
   After about half a year, my parents agreed we could get a kitten! The first adoption center we looked at was no help.Every kitten we wanted, they said we'd need to get a second kitten for company. My family only wanted one kitten, not two. So we left empty handed.
   The second adoption center was however successful. When we walked into the back of the building, where they held the cats and dogs, there were cages filled with adorable kittens! One cage held three black kittens. Two males with tales, and a female without a tail.
   The cage was literally filled with fur. They meowed in excitement to see us, they all tried to be the best so we'd pick them. My parents wanted a female, since our last two cats were male, so we got the female kitten!
   The name Hershey was just a name I came up with, but whenever Hershey walks into an area with a lot of sunshine, her pitch black pelt turns milky brown. It's kinda coincidental, and it's funny.

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